We've heard it a million times...."What a year it has been"
I am glad to see it end, and sad at the same time. We actually had a great year. My health and family are all well. Our business did better than expected. My imagination hasn't dried up. And, I have a new puppy!! (ok, made up the puppy part.)
But I am ready for a well deserved break. I'm hitting the road, even if I have to stay right here.
The best part about where I live? I can leave my house and with in minutes be somewhere great to explore by foot or on wheels. The landscape doesn't tire me. Well, yes it does, if I am out and about exploring. It tires me out at great lengths. So during our time off, I will be exploring and staying away from crowds, and walking deep into the hills to find the Gods. The Gods that created this great planet, gave us life, sunrise, sunsets, flowers, trees, streams and the ability to look up! They must be crazy if they think this pandemic is going to stop us now? WE have come too far to stop. WE have much more life to live.
We will be back. In the Spring when the sun rises higher, the days are longer, and the patio all lit up with an abundance of people, laughing, eating, drinking and being social.
I would like to close with a big THANK YOU!! To all of you who made this dream possible, to all who came and ate, to all that came back again and again. This community of Loyalton is truly Loyal, and kind. We could not do it without you.
See you at the table!!